Rated: 7.5 out of 10
by PenisGrowth.com
There is nothing more crushing to a man's ego than being aware that he is walking around through life was a penis that simply does not measure up. Let's face it, this one aspect of the male form which, by the way, most other humans will never see has an oversized effect on the lives of men, how they view themselves in relation to other men, their work life, they women they want to interact with and these men's overall level of happiness.
For those men who would like to change this part of their lives there are some options. One is to have a surgical procedure which is generally quite expensive and fraught with all the risks involved with surgeries. Another is to commit to a month's long if not a lifelong regimen of traction treatments which require the user to lock his penis into a device that slowly stretches it causing micro tears in the tissue of the penis which then heal and add new tissue to increase the length of the penis. A third option is to try a male enhancement supplement.
The modern male enhancement supplement is a combination of the latest scientific discoveries and some age old herbal remedies. In essence, a number of generally all-natural ingredients are formulated to boost multiple chemical processes in the male body that usually begin to slow down around the age of thirty in most men. This leads to, among other things, a loss of the ability to produce testosterone at the same high levels he once did.
Another benefit of these changes in bodily processes is that they generally increase the amount of nitric oxide produced in the bloodstream. This, in turn, leads to higher rates of blood and the ability of certain cell structures to accept and hold greater amount of blood. The final result of all this is that men suffering from a less than adequately sized penis ends up with a significantly enlarged penis due to the increase levels of blood entering and being held within the penile chambers both during erections and even when not erect.
The problem facing most men looking for a male enhancement supplement that will deliver on its promises is often more difficult than it may seem. The reason for this is pretty obvious once a man understands that there are literally millions of men around the world who want to increase the size of their penis. So, in a market with potentially millions of dollars at stake there is an ever increasing number of companies and products entering this market in order to get their piece of the pie. To make things even more confusing for the consumer, and for reviewers, is the fact that most of these products have highly similar ingredients and highly similar claims.
Knowing all of this, we, as part of our ongoing efforts to help our readers find the products that will best help to deal with their needs, have decided to take a long hard look at one of the most talked about male enhancement supplements on the market today - it's called Xantho 5X.
About Xantho 5X

Xantho 5X is billed as "a revolutionary new approach to increasing the size of the male anatomy that has literally astounded the medical community." In reality it is part of subset of male enhancement supplements formulated for the main purpose of increasing the size of the male penis by increasing blood flow.
Xantho 5X Active Ingredients
Using a proprietary blend of widely respected if not rather common ingredients designed to act as a vasodilator.
- L-Arginine AKG: Widely used for its ability to increase the size and quality of erection by increasing blood flow throughout the body but especially to the penis.
- Butea Superba: One of the most common natural substances employed in alleviating the symptoms of sexual or erectile dysfunction in men.
- Tribulus Terrestris: Perhaps the most well-respected and commonly used substance in the effort to build the male body's capacity to increase the levels of testosterone.
- Yohimbe: Known to have a number of potential uses, Yohimbe is specifically added to Xantho 5X for its perceived value in increasing penis girth.
Clinical Data And Research
For those that may not be familiar with the process of making male enhancement supplements and other health supplements in general it must be understood that, although the list of ingredients is important to how effective a supplement it can be, it is the formulation of these ingredients that largely dictates the efficacy more than anything else.
One of the key ways for potential customers and reviewers to know how well a product is likely to work is by knowing how the supplement is formulated and what research, clinical studies and trials there is to support the claims made by the product. With regard to Xantho 5X it must be noted that there is no credible or verifiable data that supports the claims of the product with regard to its actual formulation.
What Real Users Are Saying
Without an official website offering testimonials or user reviews for Xantho 5X we cannot assess what the company wants its potential customers and reviewers to know regarding what its existing customers have to say. Fortunately, this is not the only source of user reviews as many other entities offer a wide sampling and without the obvious bias that cannot be avoided when coming from a company that is offering the product in question.
Looking at a large sampling of industry related websites with no apparent connection to Xantho 5X and a number of internet chat rooms known to discuss male enhancement supplements we discovered as significant number of independent user reviews for Xantho 5X. Looking at them in total it seemed clear that the majority of these reviews would have to be considered negative in nature. The main theme among these negative reviews was that the users did not feel that they received any significant benefit from using Xantho 5X.
Medical Concerns
As with any ingestible product and especially with one that uses a proprietary blend, which means that the exact formulation cannot be known, it must be noted that there is always the possibility of side effects, medical concerns or other health risks with the use of such a product. This being the case, it is always advisable to consult with a primary care physician or other qualified medical professional before beginning use of this or any other similar product.
Pricing And Dosage Recommendations
A one month supply of Xantho 5X can be purchased for $40.00 but does have multiple offers for discounts with the purchase of large quantities.
Each bottle contains sixty pills which are recommended to be taken in two pill per day doses.
Our Final Conclusion
At the beginning of this reviews we talked about how detrimental going through life with a less than sufficient penis. The problems that this can create in a man's life can be multi-fold.
Fortunately, for men who want to utilize a high quality male enhancement supplement specifically designed to increase the size of their penis, there are many options. The big problem making the choice between these options comes from the fact that there are so many of them and that most are quite similar in both the ingredients they use and the claims that they make.
To know whether Xantho 5X is a good choice we looked at several factors that would help to know how it stacks up against its competitors. One of the is the list of ingredients which does stack up rather well. Another is the fact that the producer uses a proprietary formula and yet another is the lack of credible or verifiable clinical data that supports the products' claims. Neither of these factors works very well in making a case for the effectiveness of Xantho 5X.
When one adds the lengthy list of negative independent user reviews to these other facts it is hard to find a way of recommending Xantho 5X to be placed on the same level as many of the top rated penis enlarging male enhancement supplements.
For more information related to high quality, top ranked male enhancement supplements available on the market today, click here.