A hot topic in male enhancement right now is using hormones for penis growth. The debate over whether or not hormones, like HGH, can help men increase the size of their penis. Some claim that hormone penis growth really does work, and others believe hormones simply boost testosterone levels, making it easier to get an erection but not increasing penis size.
What's the truth? Does hormone penis growth really work? Or is it all hype and no results? Keep reading to discover the truth about hormone penis growth.
Side Effects of HGH
HGH, human growth hormone, should only be used under strict medical supervision. That's because the side effects of HGH can rear their ugly head if you don't take the hormone properly.
The known side effects of HGH include:
- Heart enlargement
- Low blood sugar (diabetic shock)
- Liver damage
- Thyroid damage
- Excessive water retention
- Joint and facial deformities
- Premature death
So, if you're considering taking HGH, you really need to weigh the risk with the potential rewards. Is it really worth putting your health in danger for hormone penis growth that isn't even proven to work? Keep reading to find out about safer alternatives to hormone penis growth.
Does Hormone Penis Growth Work?
Hormone penis growth is a topic that is much debated by male enhancement experts. Everyone wants to know: Does hormone penis growth work?
The truth is there isn't any evidence to support the notion that HGH increases penis size. However, HGH does boost testosterone levels. As a result, this increases blood flow to the penis, making it possible to get an erection more easily. That being said, hormones do not actually increase the size of the penis.
Best Herbs for Penis Growth
Thankfully, there are safer, more effective alternatives to hormone penis growth. Herbal penis growth uses various herbs from around the world to increase libido, grow your penis, and boost your stamina. The best herbs for penis growth include the following:
- Maca
- Epimedium Grandiflorum (Horny Goat Weed)
- L-Arginine (HCL)
- Muira Puama (Potency Wood)
- Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA)
- Catuaba Bark
- Xanthoparmelia scabrosa
- Damiana
- Cnidium Monnieri
- Tribulus Terrestris
- Jujube dates extract
- Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia)