Rated: 7.5 out of 10
by PenisGrowth.com
For those men among us who have come to grips with the fact that they just don't have the same sense of desire when it comes to sex and who also might have realized that they just can't perform the way they used to there is a choice that they must make and that is to either do something about it or just accept that this part of their life is over. For those who are not ready to accept it there is a choice that must be made as to how they are going to deal with the problem and for many that means just going for one of those erectile dysfunction medications that will help a guy get a firm erection when he needs it but won't really solve the problem when it comes to desire or stamina.
To deal with those problems men who may have moved beyond their peak physical years have to deal with the real problem and, for those who may not have studied the issue, it generally comes down to a matter of testosterone. Yes, that all-important male hormone is a big part of what makes us men and gives us the desire, energy, stamina and endurance that allows us to function like a real man in the bedroom. And, in the vast majority of cases, men over the age of thirty tend to begin losing their ability to produce testosterone at a high level and keeping seeing it diminish at the rate of about two percent per year.
So, what's a man who doesn't just want a band aid for his sex life to do? The answer is pretty simple and it can generally be found in a high quality male enhancement supplement. Now, if you haven't heard about them, the modern male enhancement supplement has been around for about the last couple of decades, is usually made from all-natural ingredients and is designed to boost any man's testosterone production but specifically help to restore it in men who have seen a decline in theirs.
The problem facing the men that want to try one of these supplements is that, after seeing the success of them and their ever increasing popularity, just about anyone capable of making a pill and putting it on the market has done so. The point is that male enhancement has grown into a multi-billion dollar industry that everyone wants piece of. And, because of that there are now literally hundreds of different products on the market and most have nearly the same ingredients and make the same claims. So, trying to figure out which one is the right choice is only getting harder by the day.
It's with all of this in mind that we, as part of our ongoing efforts to help our valued readers find the products that will likely work best for them, have decided to take a long hard look at one of the most talked about male enhancement supplements on the market today - it's called SX3.
A Look Inside S3X

Referring to this section as a look inside SX3 could be a little misleading as there very little information available regarding the product. This is largely due to the fact that there is no official website for the product that we could locate with a standard search of the internet.
The product is available for sale through Amazon.com and some other online retailers but the information post on their sales pages does not offer much information including photos of the ingredients label which would at least tell potential consumers and reviewers the exact ingredients that are used and in what quantities. This is important because it doesn't much matter what ingredients are in the formula if they are in insufficient quantities or possibly do not mix well with other ingredients.
There is one thing that should noted and that is that the product label for S3X does refer to the fact that the list of ingredients, whatever they are, is a proprietary Matrix which, in layman's terms, means that the actual formulation of S3X is a secret. Usually, this means that a company does not want to reveal the exact formula to protect it from being copied by its competitors. On the other hand it can also be used to hide a poor formulation from being examined too closely.
Something that we did find were certain generic claims that the product would help to boost sexual drive and stamina as well as help to achieve some weight loss.
What The Science Says
Putting aside those claims it should be noted that there is no evidence that we could find that would show that there is any research, studies or other data that would support any of these claims.
What Users Are Saying
Normally, companies, especially those with official product websites would use some testimonials or user reviews to boost confidence by prospective customers by showing how much their existing customers like the product, But, as any experienced consumer knows, any testimonials used on a site or other materials produced by the seller have an obvious bias. This being the case we tend to look for more independent sources of user reviews.
Looking at a number of websites with industry ties but no apparently affiliated with S3X and several chat rooms discussing male enhancement we discovered many independent user reviews for the product. Compiling what we found it was clear that the majority of those reviews were of a negative nature. The most common theme among the negative user reviews was simply that the users did not experience any significant benefit from using S3X.
Health And Safety Issues
Without the benefit of having a list of ingredients used in the production of S3X there is no credible or verifiable way to know how safe the product is to use. Still, to be safe it is highly advised that anyone considering its use to seek out a consultation with a primary care physician or other qualified medical professional before beginning use of this or other product of a similar nature.
The Last Word ON S3X
Looking back to the top of this review we talked about how most men eventually come to the point where they recognize that they are no longer the young, energetic and virile men that they were at the top of their physical peak. But, for those men who do not want to accept that a great sex life is a thing of the past there is the option of the modern male enhancement supplement. The problem comes when they try to determine which of the literally hundreds of such products on the market are the best. And, being that most of these products seem to have very similar ingredients and claims make the right choice is only getting harder.
Looking at S3X specifically it is clear that there are only a few key factors that need to be considered in order to know whether it is a serious option for men who want to get back to being the man they once were. The first is the ingredients used in the product and on that front the company has failed to provide the world with any information that would help anyone know what goes into the making of S3X.
Another factor really goes with the first one in that the lack of ingredients known to users prevents anyone from being able to find out how the product is formulated. And, without access to any research, studies or other clinical data there is no real way to know how S3X stacks up against its competition in terms of efficacy and safety.
The third and final factor is the fact that the majority of independent user reviews that we found were rather negative in nature. Putting all of these factors together it appears quite clear that S3X does not have the necessary credentials that would make it one of the top choices for men looking to bring their sex lives back to where it used to be.
For more information regarding high quality, top ranked male enhancement supplement, click here.