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by PenisGrowth.com
Your sex life isn't what it used to be. Welcome to the club, brother, there are millions and millions of men all around the world who know exactly what you're talking. And, this is not a new problem, either, since the beginning of humanity, men who were lucky enough to live beyond their peak years discovered one of the key pitfalls of living past your prime - your body starts to betray you in a number of ways. From losing hair to a slowing metabolism and unwanted fat it brings on to a loss of muscle strength and firmness to a lowered sex drive the ravages of time take their toll. So, what's a guy to do if he doesn't feel like just rolling over and dying? Well, fortunately, for men lucky enough to be living in this modern era where science and medicine are constantly combining to bring us new advances designed to help us deal with just about everything that ails us. And, if your main concern is that your love life is suffering and you want to do something about it then one of the first things you should be doing is looking for a high quality male enhancement supplement.
For those guys who haven't done their research yet the reason men take these dietary supplements is because they are designed to help reinvigorate some of the processes that our bodies used to do at full steam but, with the passing of our peak physical period, start to slow down. The most commonly known process that we are all aware of is our metabolism which, as it slows down, leads to a buildup of unwanted fat due to the fact that our bodies are not burning calories the way they once did. The same basic principle is true with the production of testosterone in our systems and the loss of testosterone means that your body is losing the key hormone that makes us men. This loss of production power leads to the loss of lean muscle mass and, of course, our sex drive and our capacity to get and keep a firm and long lasting erection. A quality male enhancement supplement provides our bodies with the necessary elements that help restore our ability to produce testosterone and all the good stuff that goes with it. So, once you have decided it's time to get on board the train the only problem you have left is to figure which of the seemingly endless options in products is the right one for you.
With that in mind, we, in our ongoing effort to help our readers determine which of the myriad products that are being offered by this multi-billion dollar industry might work best for them we have decided to take a long, hard look at one of the most talked about male enhancement products on the market today - it's called OxySurge Pro.
Inside OxySurge Pro

First of all, there is something very different about the official OxySurge website in that seems to focus not on its entry into the male enhancement supplement category but, instead on its sexual pleasure enhancer also called OxySurge with the Pro. This serum is designed as an all-natural sexual enhancer which a man is supposed to massage into his genitals to intensify the males' pleasure and performance while allowing him to last longer and achieve more intense orgasms. Now, those are definitely worthy goals and may be worth giving a shot but the odd part about it is that the manufacturer, Advantage Nutraceuticals, has chosen to promote their sexual enhancer product as the primary sale and offer free bottles of the male enhancer supplement, OxySurge Pro, as a free add on. It's hard to say what the rationale behind this marketing effort is but we will focus on the OxySurge Pro since our goal it help men restore that lost testosterone to bring back that sexual drive or libido and the capacity to achieve and maintain a full and strong erection.
Although the official website for OxySurge is clean and modern in design it is plain to see that it is seriously lacking in any kind of information regarding the ingredients of OxySurge Pro (or the other product), any clinical research, studies or trials that supported the claims made. Basically, the site is comprised of some basic text hyping the benefits of the products, some FAQs and a few supposed customer reviews.
Customer Reviews
Now, as any enlightened consumer knows, companies tend to cherry pick customer reviews that they place on their websites and affiliated retail outlets. So, in an effort to get a more balanced and unbiased sense of what OxySurge Pro users have experienced we did a search of non-affiliated industry websites and chat rooms dedicated to the subject. What we found was not unexpected given the scant nature of the information provided to consumers by the company.
In a nutshell, the great majority of the independent user reviews that we could find make it clear that they did not find OxySurge Pro to be effective in helping them to feel the vitality that they once had. The main complaint seemed to be that the product simply did not provide any notable benefit or effect in any discernible way.
Medical Precautions
Normally, we always advise consumers to consult with a primary care physician or other qualified medical professional before beginning a regimen of any dietary supplement. This advice must be stressed even more given that OxySurge Pro does not list its ingredients or formulation on its official website or anywhere else we could find.
Pricing and Dosage Recommendations
As we stated earlier, the purchase options shown on OxySurge's official website at the time of this publication show that a 30 day supply of the sexual pleasure enhancer can be purchased for $39.95 and comes with a free 30 day supply of OxySurge Pro. This same offer comes with increasing discounts for each larger purchase. It should be noted that we did find OxySurge Pro supplements available for purchase on other retail sites for the same price.
Our Final Conclusion
As we discussed at the beginning of this review, if your sex life isn't what it used to be, you are not alone. Yes, many millions of men, most of them over thirty, have experienced this drop off in sexual drive and performance and it must certainly be considered a fact of life. However, that doesn't mean that there's nothing that can be done about it. So, for those inclined to try a male enhancement product designed to restore the lost testosterone that is the main cause for most of these issues the question then becomes - which supplement should they use?
When looking at OxySurge Pro there is not a lot of information that one would call informative or allow you compare their product in any meaningful way to its many competitors in the multi-billion dollar industry. With that said, let's take a look at what we do know. Once you get beyond the informational void that is the OxySurge official website and its manufacturer selected testimonials the only thing you have left is the opinion of many customers who chose to let the world know what they think of OxySurge via unaffiliated websites and chat rooms across the spectrum and they are, in total, quite unflattering to say the least.
In the end, there is nothing that we have seen that give us any reason to say that OxySurge has provided any significant information or data that would allow us to say that is ranks among the best male enhancement supplements in the industry.
For more information regarding high quality, top-tier male enhancement supplements available on the market today, click here.