Rated: 7.5 out of 10
by PenisGrowth.com
Every man over thirty years of age remembers the intense and overwhelming sexual drive we had when in our teens and twenties and every man who is well over thirty knows how much those urges have declined, even if ever so slowly, in the years since. And, even if those men realize that this is all just a normal part of growing older for men, it doesn't mean that the have to like it. In fact, they can downright hate it because who doesn't want to go back to those heady days when having sex was the absolute best thing you could do; when driving a woman wild with your youthful intensity and lustful stamina and endurance was not only great for her but made you feel like the king of the world.
Well, gentlemen, I've got great news for you - you are indeed fortunate to live in an age when that lost libido and powerful sexual prowess that you once had can be had again. Does it sound like a miracle? Yes, indeed it does, but it's not some kind of magic - it's just basic physiology. You see, the simple fact of the matter is that men over thirty, in general, begin to lose the ability to produce testosterone in sufficient amounts to sustain the level of virility that make young men the masculine power horses that are. This loss of the stuff that makes a man a man then leads to the telltale signs of aging such as loss of muscle density and, as mentioned, sexual drive or libido.
So, when this inevitable part of life hits us, we all have to decide what we are going to do about it. In the past, men had little choice but to accept it but in this age of science and technology men have the option to restore a huge part of what they have lost by simply taking supplements that provide the male body with what it needs to restart the engine, so to speak, that produces the testosterone that made them the men they once were. The only real question is - which of the many male enhancement supplements that are available today should they take?
As part of our ongoing efforts to help our readers find the best available products we have decided to take on long hard look at a supplement that has had many in the industry buzzing for some time - it's called Magnum Plus.
Magnum Plus Basics

It's fair to call this section the basics because when it comes to Magnum Plus the amount of available information is quite limited. A lengthy search of the internet did not turn up any recognizable official website for the product or the company and details related to its ingredients or scientific research or trials could not be found. So, going solely on information we could turn up let's take a look at what we do know.
Distributed by Super Wellness of Burbank, Florida, this product claims to have a formula that is all-natural and comprised of purely organic ingredients. Beyond those basic facts we are left with little more than fantastic claims about how it will make a man feel like he did before he started to lose his libido, will give a man back his drive and desire to engage in sex the way he once did and provide the necessities to restore the stamina and endurance that are key to fulfilling your partner's needs, as well.
The critical point is that the ingredients contained in Magnum Plus will work to increase the production of nitric oxide in the bloodstream which, in turn, leads to the production of testosterone. The further benefit is that the increased levels of nitric oxide help to increase blood flow to all muscle groups but, most importantly, to the penis where the additional blood flow fully engorges the penile chambers to help form a larger, longer and stronger erection that will please you and your partner.
Magnum Plus Ingredients
Again, because information is limited, it is difficult to assess the safety and effectiveness of this product but our research was able to determine that the following is, at least, a partial list of what goes into the making of Magnum Plus. This includes Ginkgo Biloba, Horny Goat Weed, Tribulus Terrestris, Hawthorne Berries, Japanese Ginseng, Damiana Natural Herb and Yohimbe. Although there is some evidence that this product does contain the amino acid L-Arginine which is a well-known stimulant for the creation of nitric oxide we could find no definitive proof that this is the case.
Magnum Plus Pros
- All-natural, purely organic formula
- Claims to increase blood flow to penis
- Available through multiple online retail outlets
Magnum Plus Cons
- No official product website
- Claims are not supported by clinical research
- No free trials or money back guarantee
Medical Cautions
As always, we recommend that anyone considering the use of this or any similar product consult with their primary care physician or other qualified medical professional before beginning use. This is especially true for products such as Magnum Plus where the exact ingredients and amounts are not readily made available.
User Reviews
With so little information available regarding everything about Magnum Plus it should come as no surprise that there are no places where we could locate company approved testimonials. This being the case we did as we normally would and looked for independent and unbiased user reviews which were harder to find than for most products of this nature. What we did find was generally negative and, simply put, not glowing recommendation for Magnum Plus. The general sentiment of the negative user reviews was that the product did little or nothing for these users.
The Final Conclusion
At the beginning of this review we talked about the loss of testosterone production in men over the age of thirty and how those men are fortunate to be living in this day and age because of the many benefits that science has brought us including male enhancement supplements that among other things can restore a man's ability to produce youthful levels of testosterone which will allow him to return, in many ways, to the man he once was - a man who was satisfied with himself and one who could satisfy his partner.
So, when it comes to Magnum Plus the question becomes - is it a product that should be considered among the highest quality, top ranked male enhancement products on the market? Based upon the available information, which is not very much, compared to many other products of a similar nature that have easy to find official websites with a complete list of ingredients and, in many cases, links to published clinical research that back up their claims this product is hard to recommend. Add to that the mostly negative reviews it is difficult to rate Magnum Plus in the class of highest performers.
For more information regarding the highest quality, top-tier male enhancement products available on the market today, click here.