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by PenisGrowth.com
You thought it would last forever, that somehow you would have eternal youth and stamina, but at some point you came to realize that you were mortal just like every other man who has ever lived. Most likely this realization came when you started to notice that the overwhelming sense of sexual drive that had been a huge part of who you are since you were a young teenager was no longer endlessly prodding you to seek out sex every minute of every day. Or, maybe you hadn't quite caught on to all of those signals when you had your first experience with not being able to form or keep a rock solid erection. No matter what the exact scenario was when it happened you definitely didn't like it and, in time, you probably started to think about the fact that this was potentially a permanent thing. So, the big question that you and every man who faces these issues finally became something that needed an answer - were you just going to take this lying down and kiss a strong and enjoyable sex life goodbye or were you going to get up off your butt and do something to change it?
What you probably didn't know at that moment was if there was anything that could be done about. Sure, you had probably heard about the little blue pill but that just made you feel old. But then, because you're reading this review, you obviously began to hear about some of the great advances in herbal studies which led to the creation of what we now call the modern male enhancement supplement. Yes, these generally all-natural and non-prescription health aids have become a real game changer for aging men as they are, in most cases, designed to help men who have moved past full maturity to replenish many lost elements in their bodies that allow them to produce the critical male hormone known as testosterone.
Now, if you're asking why this is so important and how this became a problem the answer is pretty simple. At some point in nearly every man's life they will reach a point where their systems slow down and they will lose the capacity to produce testosterone at the same high level that they did during the prime years. This means a loss in ability to build up and keep lean muscle mass and to burn unwanted fat. And, it usually means a drop off in sexual desire and, if unchecked, can lead to sexual performance issues. Also, if left untreated for too long, it will only get worse as the progressive loss testosterone increases at a rate of about two percent per year.
So, with the help of a high quality male enhancement supplement aging men can get back to being the guys that they used to be. The only problem is that finding that product is becoming harder and harder everyday as the market that offers them is becoming flooded with literally hundreds of new product, many of which are now being exposed as not being nearly as effective as the best products that the industry has to offer. This ballooning of the market is due to the fact that everyone who can make a pill and market it is doing so to get their slice of what has become a growing multi-billion dollar industry. And, there's no doubt that this has resulted in a great deal of confusion in men seeking help with sexual and erectile dysfunction.
This being the case we, as a part of our continuing efforts to help our many valued readers find the products that will most likely work best for them, have decided to take a long hard look at one of the most talked about male enhancers on the market today - it's called Vita-T.
What To Know About Vita-T

The simple fact is that there just isn't that much to know about this product due to the fact that we, using a standard search of the internet, could not find any official product website or other presence that we identify as being part of a manufacturer controlled set of information. This means that the only available information on the internet is whatever can be found on secondary seller sites such as Amazon.com who act as middlemen for purchases.
Active Ingredients in Vita-T
As we alluded to in the previous section, the lack of official information provided by the producer of Vita-T leaves us all with just the basic information provided on the product bottle label which can be viewed at Amazon.com and some other well-known online retail outlets. When all is said and done what we know is that Vita-T is claimed to have a strong mix of multivitamins designed to increase production of testosterone and provide support for prostate based on a mix of six unique and highly effective blends of vitamins, minerals and herbs. It is also said that his blend of well-established ingredients tends to improve virility and support liver as well as heart health.
Vita-T and the Science
Clearly, having a strong understanding of the ingredients in any product is beneficial to consumers but a far more crucial set of facts can be found in data related to the way in which the product was formulated. For instance, one can imagine a product that appeared to be made using only the best ingredients but in quantities that did not meet the basic dosage. In all likelihood this product would not be very effective and may even be unsafe. This is why most reputable companies conduct a high degree of research, studies and clinical trials before putting a product of this kind on the market even though that is not required in all parts of the globe.
In a search of all of the available resources we could not find any data or links to reports which would offer any credible or verifiable support for the many claims which are being made for Vita-T.
Vita-T and User Reviews
Even though it has become standard operating procedure for most companies to provide user reviews and product testimonials from supposedly satisfied customers those types of user comments on seller controlled websites and other marketing materials have to be discounted as they hold what can only be described as a clear and inherent bias. But, since there is great value in truly independent user reviews we always seek them out.
Based on a survey of a high number of industry related websites but not appearing to be connected in any way to Vita-T or its producer we found a large array of independent user reviews for this product. A tally of the overall scores given it by these actual users shows that the most of them did not find their experience with Vita-T to be a positive one.
Is Vita-T Safe To Use?
Not having access to the full set of ingredients or to any data related to the way in which this product was formulated there is no real way of determining just how safe and effective Vita-T might actually be. That said, it is always advised that anyone considering its use should consult with a physician or other qualified medical professional before starting a daily regimen of this or any similar product.
How To Buy Vita-T
As discussed, without an official product website consumers are forced to look to an array of well-established online retailers in order to purchase Vita-T. As of the time of publication this product is being sold at a variety of price points and so potential buyers should do some research to obtain the best price.
Vita-T: Our Final Conclusion
Men seeking help with lowered testosterone production often turn to a high quality male enhancement supplement. What we wanted to know is if Vita-T can be considered one of the leading choices. For this we decided to study three core factors.
The first was the list of ingredients but that could not be credibly established. The second was to look for data regarding its formulation and any documents related to research or clinical trials but, again, an exhaustive search came up empty. The last factor was to check in on what independent users were saying about their experiences with Vita-T and the result were far from being positive.
Altogether, our conclusion is simply that Vita-T has a long way to go before it can be justifiably called one of the leading options for the restoration of testosterone production in aging men.
For more information on high quality, top ranked male enhancement supplements available on the market today click here.