Just over the past decade a slew of new penis growth pills have inundated the market. Of course every producer of these penis growth pills announces that they have the best product and that they are the “Number One” brand of male penis growth enhancement in the world.
With that in mind it’s obvious that you will have to do your research on the variety of brands that are available, such as Endowmax, Extagen, Provigro, Orexis, VigRX and Vimax to name a few. Not every penis growth pill is the same – although most of them share the same ingredients but there are a few exceptions. There are all natural penis growth pills and there are pills that require a prescription.
Prescription penis growth pills ingredients
The ingredients in penis growth pills such as Viagra are not all natural, although the pill is approved and is supposed to be safe to take. Side effects can occur when taking prescription penis growth pills.
Natural penis growth pills
Side effects are rarely found in natural penis growth pills taken with food. Here are the top male enhancement herbs found in penis growth pills:
Catuaba is a central nervous system stimulant used around the world for treating sexual impotence, exhaustion and fatigue
Muira Puama
Muira Puama has been long been used to treat impotence. It is recognized for its strong stimulant qualities.
Tribulus Terrestris
Tribulus Terrestris can enhance libido, improve sexual performance and increase sexual desire.
In laboratory studies, this herb was shown to work in a manner similar to Viagra. Epimedium increases nitric oxide levels, which relaxes smooth muscles and causes penis growth by allowing more blood to flow to the penis.
L-Arginine HCL
The amino acid L-Arginine enables the arterial (arteries) system to retain its youthful elasticity. It also promotes natural growth hormone release from the pituitary gland and increases muscle mass and improves sperm productivity.
The root extract of the Maca plant is known to promote endurance and increase energy, vitality and sexual virility.
Cnidium Monnier
Cnidium Monnier is a Chinese plant with seeds that are used for skin problems and to enhance libido and sexual performance.
One of the most powerful ingredients in effective penis growth pills is Yohimbe. This potent herb is used to increase blood flow to the penis. The result? Men perform better and last longer in bed. Yohimbe is one of just four substances approved by the US FDA for treatment of impotence. It’s the only one of the four substances that you can purchase without getting a prescription.